The largest privately held online company, based in Utah. With over 3 million fee subscribers,
claims to have over 10 billion digitized historical records. DNA testing, with database of over 15 million
customers who have taken DNA test. As a subscriber, you can create an online family tree, with the choice to
make you tree private or public.
Find a Grave is an American website (now owned by that allows the public to search and add to
an online database of cemetery records. It is owned by It receives and uploads digital
photographs of headstones from burial sites, taken by unpaid volunteers at cemeteries. Find a Grave then
posts the photo on its website. Free.
Family Search Non profit genealogy organization, operated by the LDS Church. While access is free, full use of
its vast collection of resources requires a free registered account. Ongoing digitization of its books, microfilms,
etc, creates a continually increasing availability of searchable/browseable online records.
Wichita Falls Public Library
Free library card to WF residents who apply. With your library card you may access a wide variety of online
resources that can help you in your research, including: Texshare databases,, Sanborn Maps for
Texas, Salem Press (some great historic resources here)
Looking for an obituary that may have been printed in Wichita Falls newspaper? Wichita Falls Public Library
offers help at:
Wichita County Historical Commission
Wichita County Archives
Museum of North Texas History
Texas State Genealogical Society (NTGA is a partner society with TXSGS)
Texas State Historical Association, The Handbook of Texas Online
Oklahoma Historical Society
Cyndi’s List, index to genealogical resources on the internet. Free.
New England Historic Genealogical Society, oldest genealogy society in the USA. Free guest membership with
limited access to resources, paid memberships at varying levels.
Newberry Library, Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
Genealogy Gems